.. _beaglev-ahead-support: Support ####### All support for BeagleV Ahead design is through BeagleBoard.org community at `BeagleBoard.org forum `_. Production board boot media **************************** - `BeagleV-Ahead Rev 1.0`_ .. _beaglev-ahead-certifications: Certifications and export control ********************************* Export designations =================== .. todo:: update details * HS: * US HS: * EU HS: Size and weight =============== .. todo:: update details * Bare board dimensions: * Bare board weight: * Full package dimensions: * Full package weight: .. _beaglev-ahead-support-documentation: Additional documentation ************************ Hardware docs ============== For any hardware document like schematic diagram PDF, EDA files, issue tracker, and more you can checkout the `BeagleV Ahead design repository `_. Software docs ============== For BeagleV Ahead specific software projects you can checkout all the `BeagleV Ahead project repositories group `_. Support forum ============= For any additional support you can submit your queries on our forum, https://forum.beagleboard.org/c/beaglev Pictures ======== .. _beaglev-ahead-change-history: Change History *************** .. note:: This section describes the change history of this document and board. Document changes are not always a result of a board change. A board change will always result in a document change. .. _beaglev-ahead-board-changes: Board Changes ============== For all changes, see https://git.beagleboard.org/beaglev-ahead/beaglev-ahead. Versions released into production are noted below. .. table:: BeagleV Ahead board change history +---------+------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------+ | Rev | Changes | Date | By | +=========+============================================================+======================+=======+ | | | 2023-03-08 | | +---------+------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------+